Elevating Hospitality to a New Standard!


Welcome to SGD Universal Pvt Ltd – Elevating Hospitality to a New Standard!

Hospitality, at its core, is about creating an environment where guests feel cherished, valued, and at home. It’s about understanding their unique needs, preferences, and desires, and crafting an experience that leaves a lasting impression. At SGD, we believe in going beyond the ordinary, infusing each moment with thoughtfulness and warmth.

We are passionate about the art of hospitality, where every interaction, every dish, and every moment is a testament to our commitment to providing exceptional service and a warm, welcoming atmosphere.

Our Vision

Our vision is rooted in the belief that hospitality is more than just a service; it’s an art that embodies the spirit of care, respect, and genuine connection. We envision a world where every guest who walks through our doors experiences not just a meal or a stay, but a journey into the heart of genuine hospitality. With a relentless commitment to quality, innovation, and an unwavering focus on guest satisfaction, we aspire to be the pioneers in the industry, setting a benchmark that others aspire to emulate.

Meet Our Head Chef - Ganesh Gawane

Central to our mission of elevating hospitality is our celebrated Head Chef, Ganesh Gawane. With a wealth of experience and a passion for culinary artistry, Chef Ganesh Gawane is a true luminary in the hospitality sector.

A maestro in the kitchen, Chef Ganesh Gawane leads our culinary team with an innovative and artistic approach to gastronomy. Their commitment to sourcing the finest local and seasonal ingredients, combined with a dedication to creating dishes that tantalize the senses, has earned them widespread recognition and a loyal following among our guests. Their vision aligns seamlessly with SGD’s commitment to exceptional service, and together, we continually strive to elevate the culinary and hospitality industry to new heights.

Join Us in the Journey!

We invite you to join us on this extraordinary journey of redefining hospitality. Whether you’re seeking an exquisite dining experience, a luxurious stay, or planning a memorable event, SGD is the destination where your aspirations will be met and exceeded.

We look forward to serving you with the warmth and excellence that define [Your Company Name]. Welcome to a new era of hospitality.

Let’s Take this ahead Over a Sip Of Coffee!